Category Archives: books
My April 2021 reads and reviews
Let me start by happily yelling BACK ON TRACK PEOPLE!! 😀 April has been a good reading month for me. It started of really slow, like…. reeeally slow. The first book I read took me about two weeks to complete. But if you have read my March reviews, you might remember that I discovered my reads were slow because the… Read more »
My March 2021 reads and reviews
March was a very busy month for me, and I have been stuck in the same book for a couple of weeks now. So I was surprised when looking at my statistics that I still read 6 books with a total pagecount of 1,749 pages. Yes, the books I did get to read last month, were far shorter than my… Read more »
My February 2021 reads and reviews
This is so weird! I somehow really believed I already wrote and published this post, but can’t find any trace of it! February was a bit of a dark month for me. My weird mood also reflects on my reading, I just couldn’t find the motivation. It’s strange to see in my statistics that I somehow still managed to read… Read more »
My January 2021 reads and reviews
It’s a new year and we can start counting from one again! And I must say… it has been a GOOD reading month for me! We have hit another lockdown, closing of all stores and schools for over a month now. It’s far more severe than the last one, including a couple of days of riots because of curfew. It’s… Read more »
Readathon: IGGPPC Geeky Reading Challenge

I didn’t know what to write about this week, as I am currently busy organizing the first part of the move of my hackerspace. So, I feel like I am cheating a bit with this one, but on the other hand… this is one of my projects! And I CAN show it off a bit, right? I typed about it… Read more »