So, this is an ongoing thing in our house. Whenever I read a book, my husband asks if anyone died yet. Also, whenever he gifts me a book, he does because he read in the blurb, that somebody died. He’s quite convinced I only read about people (or other creatures) dying. Having this conversation again recently, made me look at all the books I’ve read this year, looking for some where nobody died. In whatever way, because characters don’t only die in murder-books.
Out of the hundred books I’ve read so far, these are the ones I could find and am quite sure of.
It was hard! Because in historical fiction, stories about peoples lives, people often die too. Even in Howl’s Moving Castle, a childrens book, there was death. And don’t even get me started on the Discworld novels, there are at least two characters that ARE Death.
There is also clearly a trend with these FOUR books. Three of them are graphic novels, and the last one is a childrens book for really young children. And to be honest, it might be possible, that the Lumberjanes stories do have death in them, as they are adventuring an ancient cult…
So what about you? Do you have a constant recurring theme lurking at you from your books? Or are you perhaps more of a normal person? 😂
My wife avoids reading books about dogs, specifically, because they ALWAYS die in the end. I told her I will one day write a book about a dog that doesn’t die. One day.
That might be the most romantic thing ever if you did!
Hilarisch! Ik denk dat ik toch ook eventjes zou moeten nadenken of ik onlangs een boek zonder sterfgeval las. Zelfs de romantische boeken die ik las hebben er, lol
OMG, Pinkeltje! Amaaai, dat is lang geleden. Nostalgisch zeg