Tag Archives: bookblogger

Reads and reviews January 2023

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I’m sooo behind om my reading. My health is a big priority right now and I am glad I can still fit SOME reading into my new schedule, even though it’s not as much as I would like to. Sadly enough, January wasn’t a good reading month quality wise. The majority was to be mysterious, tense and dark, basically how… Read more »

Series I want to prioritise in 2023

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According to my StoryGraph Wrapup, 59 of the 130 books I’ve read last year were part of a series. If you have visited me before, you know that could easily be true, because I love my series! Because there are so many series on my TBR, there are a few I want to prioritise this year. On top of that,… Read more »

Top Ten New-to-me authors from 2022

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According to my theStorygraph wrap-up I have explored the works of 93 new authors last year. Considering I read 130 books, that’s quite something! This weeks TopTenTuesday by thatArtsyReaderGirl is just about all these new discovered authors. Below is a list of well, eight, authors I would like to read more of. I decided to not-include any authors I’ve already… Read more »

What have I read in November 2022?

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Last month of the year is ahead! And… I have reached so many of my goals, that I will be throwing all the others out of the window and only read Christmassy books. To gamify this a bit, I have joined the Reindeer Readathon by Breakeven Books and designed a Christmas bingo board for our IGGPPC Bookwyrms. Yay! But first,… Read more »

To TBR or not to TBR?

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For the last couple of years I’ve made yearly lists of books I wanted to prioritize in reading. Mostly existing of unread physical books and rereads. In the past I felt making a TBR was making reading a chore. The yearly list made me prioritize, without putting to much pressure on me. Whenever I didn’t know what to read next,… Read more »

Books From My Past TBR Posts I STILL Haven’t Read

Let’s travel through my previous blog posts for this weeks Top Ten Tuesday shall we? As promised in my Mid Year Freak Out tag, here’s a new list of all the books I said I would read, but haven’t read yet. The first list I make each year, is my yearly reading list. Considering this list was 23 books long,… Read more »