Tag Archives: booktwt

Non-fiction books I want to read (but never do)

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It’s Non-Fiction November, and even though I did read a couple of non-fiction books this month, there are some on my TBR I never seem to get to. They are either too challenging, and scaring me or they are meant to teach me something, while I don’t feel like learning because books are there to relax me. Some are just,… Read more »

Ten Series I’d Like to Start

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It hasn’t been that long ago, that I wrote an update on my current reading series. And to be fair, not as much has changes since that post either… But today is TopTenTuesday dedicated to series, so instead of series I want to continue and finish, I’ve written you a list of series I would like to start whenever I… Read more »

Books I’ve read in which nobody died

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So, this is an ongoing thing in our house. Whenever I read a book, my husband asks if anyone died yet. Also, whenever he gifts me a book, he does because he read in the blurb, that somebody died. He’s quite convinced I only read about people (or other creatures) dying. Having this conversation again recently, made me look at… Read more »

What have I read in September 2022?

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Where most Dutch people take their holiday during the hight of summer, we leave our country at the brisk of autumn. I don’t do very well with the heat, even though my husband ABSOLUTELY loves it. So we come together in the middle, the aftersummer, which usually has good and dry hiking weather which isn’t a roaring 27+ degrees (Celcius)…. Read more »

Books I NEED to read before the end of 2022

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Autumn has started, and that reminds me that this year is almost over. And as I wrote about in previous posts, I am participating in two yearlong readathons. For Autumn I have included another two more. Sooo… there are quite some books I need to read before Christmas! 😅 The first readathon is the Stephen King Dark Tower readalong. It’s… Read more »

Books On My Fall 2022 To-Read List

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I am so ready for Autumn! I have never been a hot summer girl, and this summer certainly was a hot one. My husband is tired of me complaining, of me not being able to get of off the couch and DO THINGS because I am melting. Of me, dreaming about bright colored leaves, walks through the forest, burning candles,… Read more »