Tag Archives: homegrown

My allotment in May 2021

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While the weather still remains cold and wet we are now past the last frost-date and indeed have better weather! It’s mostly to a southern instead of northern wind that the weather is changing nicely now, to 5-8 degrees (Celsius) at night and 12-18 during the day. It feels like we are at least 7 weeks behind though, but the… Read more »

My allotment in april 2021

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There is not much happening in the garden yet. After last times visit weeding and composting all the beds and sowing broadbeans and peas, I haven’t really been back yet. Our weather is cold, we hardly have any nights above zero yet. So nature is slow, and so is my garden. It does bring me hope for this gardening season…. Read more »

Back to the garden!

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It’s almost spring and that for me means busy busy times at the allotment garden. Even though I still don’t know what to do with my garden this year as I am planning to move to another city, I did do my prep work of tidying the weeds, putting down compost and digging out and planting most of my strawberries…. Read more »

Staying motivated

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It’s been hard staying motivated lately. This year seems never ending, and after my back injury it was (and still is a bit) really hard to get back into a schedule, instead of letting the days pass by feeling detached from all of them. One thing I should really get back to is the garden. The dry spells and heat… Read more »

May 2020 tour of the allotment

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Yes! I finally got the feeling things have started at the allotment. While april was mostly about getting the beds ready, there are actually some vegetables growing already. The structures are also up again and… THE HEDGE IS FULLY CLIPPED! 😀 I absolutely hate to do this, because it takes so much time which I would rather spend on preparing… Read more »

The allotment: spring tour

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It has been quiet at the blog lately, due to being ill for two weeks, the current happenings in the world and me exploring being an introvert there wasn’t much time I felt like publicly writing. March is normally a very busy month for me, lot’s of family birthdays and the start of the growing season coming together while work… Read more »