This weeks My Top Ten Tuesday topic is to list Books That Made Me Laugh Out Loud. Even though I do laugh out loud at books (or yell at/comment on books out loud while reading), I got inspired by last weeks blog post by The Unseen Library and will share a list of my top viewed posts of 2020 instead.
I don’t think I ever checked on which topics are visited the most. And I really do like statistics. The topics are just like me, all over the place. 😀
#1 Chocolate chip cookies (but glutenfree)
This recipe is amazing! And even though I spam this link around occasionally, this blog post also got hit by spammer bots so much that I had to close the comments. I hate having to do such a thing, but reopening it just got me busy deleting spam again. 🙁
#2 My August 2020 reads
I have no idea why this one is ranked second in my most visited posts. It was a good reading month though. Not that many books, but all really good ones.
#3 Getting back to crafting: postcards
The first of my many crafting postcards blog posts. It’s fun too see how much I evolved in a years time. And… I still haven’t used that Silhouette Portrait cutter even though it has been stacked near my home desk for a while now. Woops!
#4 My reading goals and first readathon for 2020
Ah yes! This one I do get. It’s been linked a lot, I frequently revisit it to edit the list and it has been spammed around. It was the first time in years to make such a list and I have enjoyed it so much I have done the same for 2021.
#5 The allotment plans for 2020
The same goes for this plan. Plans topics apparently work great for luring in visitors. I must make a note of this. 😉
#6 My September 2020 reads
Another monthly reads topic! Funny this is the follow-up of the August’ post, but much lower ranked.
#7 My Top Ten Thursday: Hobbies
This was a fun one to write! It also got me into following the TopTenTuesday posts more frequently. And because it was the first one to link up it received quite an amount of visitors. And replies too!
#8 From the archives: Clippers lemon and ginger tea
A link to my past. On my previous blog that sadly got lost in a server crash (yes we do backups, but everything crashed at once) I had a ton of these typewritten blog posts. I still hope to get back to doing more of these, and start repairing my current 10 to 20 typewriters. You would think I would have time for this during a pandemic right?
#9 12 days of blogmas: merry christmas
The last post of my 12 days of blogmas tour! Another fun project to do but wow, this was time investing! Now that we are 9 weeks further, it’s a good time to look back on. But I’m also not so sure if I would want to do such a thing again. Or is it because I am struggling to come up with new posts right now? I do remember feeling much more energetic back then.
#10 May 2020 tour of the allotment
It looked so well this early May. All ready for everything ready to grow. But last year hasn’t been kind to my garden. First a lot of rain, then A LONG heath wave and drought… by the time things got growing well the season was almost over and it was mainly the weeds sprouting. Meanwhile I am now slowly preparing for my last(!) year on this garden. Hopefully a better one.
So what about you? Do you look at your statistics often? Have you made such a list for 2020? And do you have any tips for me as far as my blogging goes? Share with me in the comments, I would love to hear from you!
Those chocolate chip cookies sound amazing!
My post:
They are honestly the best!
Interesting! I never really look at which of mine get the most attention because I always wonder how reliable the data really is, you know? It’s fun to see, though, so maybe I’ll have to go take a peek at my stats.
Happy TTT!
That’s true, like with the spambots. But still, I can never refuse looking at statistics!!